The history of Toosbuys Torv

Toosbuys Torv was established with the purpose of marking the 50th anniversary of the shoe company ECCO's foundation by Birte and Karl Toosbuy in 1963. Toosbuys Torv should function as a social gathering point and bring urban renewal to Bredebro to the benefit of the local society.

Toosbuys Torv is named after ECCO's founders, Birte and Karl Toosbuy, who moved to Bredebro from Copenhagen in the beginning of the 1960's to establish their own shoe factory. Since then ECCO has grown to become a global shoe company with more than 19,000 employees and activities in almost 90 countries. The global headquarters are still located in the original buildings in Bredebro.

To read more about ECCO, click here.

The Torv is designed by the Danish architects Over Byen and is a modern architectural interpretation of a marsh farm typical to South West Jutland.

In addition to the stores, bakery and café, Toosbuys Torv also houses “Byens Rum”, a room to the disposal for Bredebro-citizens to use for social and cultural purposes, and ECCO's exhibition, "Upstairs".

By appointment you can see the exhibition Upstairs, where you can learn more about ECCO's values, history and developments within technology, design and production. The exhibition is based on high level audio and visuals in order to engage the visitor in a learning experience about shoe production from A-Z by sensing, playing and touching the elements in the exhibition.

For more information about the exhibition, please contact: